It seems to me, that if I played basketball for a living, I would spend a lot of time developing and refining good habits. It would be second nature to me, for instance, to put a body on my nearest opponent when a shot goes up, or to get in the way of someone driving to the basket. I am amazed at how easily our best players (the NBA All-Starts) can turn off their good habits.
It's the fault of the league. Every year, the pre-game interviews are all about how they want to put on a good show. Not to win, not to compete, not so have a good game, but just to have a good "show". Parts of the basketball show that I really enjoy are: Defense, competition, and effort. I understand no one wants to get hurt, so maybe we should move this game to after the season. But as it is, this is not a "game". It should be called the "NBA All-Star offense exhibition".
But to my first point, I really would think that it would just be natural for these professionals to vie for position and play defense. It's surprising and disappointing to me.